Cardiovascular Biology

LS2 Intersection Cardiovascular Biology 

a section of LS2 and of the Swiss Society of Cardiology
founded in November 2017

Cardiac vascular diseases (CVDs) are and will remain the first cause of mortality in the world accounting for 30% deaths worldwide. 15 million people died in 2015 from ischemic heart diseases and stroke ( This number will increase to reach 23.3 million by 2030. CVDs are defined by the world health organization as “a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels”, suggesting that strong interactions exist between the cardiac and vascular fields. That is why the working group of cardiovascular biology was founded by clinicians and researchers working in cardiology and in the vascular domain. This interaction is the specificity of our group, which is also supported by the Swiss Society of Cardiology (

At origin, the purpose of the working group of cardiovascular biology is:

  • To provide an open forum for cardio-vascular scientists (basic researchers and clinicians)
  • To promote and enhance education for young colleagues
  • To intensify collaborations within Switzerland
  • To provide an annual meeting platform for network programs

If certain aspects of our research are specific to the heart and the vessels, others are common with researchers working on stem cells, regenerative medicine, autophagy, and heart and vessel metabolism. That is why people who are not working in the cardiovascular field can also benefit from the knowledge acquired in the cardiovascular domain.

Therefore, joining Life Sciences Switzerland is for the CVWG a wonderful opportunity to open the cardiovascular domain to other researchers in order to favor the interactions and networking among several research groups from different fields.

Executive Committee 

Board members:

Sarah Longnus, University of Bern: President 
Lucio Barile, Università Svizzera italiana: Vice-president
Marie-Luce Bochaton-Piallat,  University of Geneva: Past-President
Andrea Banfi, University of Basel 
Marie-Noelle Giraud, University of Fribourg
Nathalie Rosenblatt, CHUV Lausanne
Giovanni G. Camici, University of Zurich - delegate for Swiss Society of Cardiology (SGK) 
Jan Kucera, University of Bern
Anna Jazwinska, University of Fribourg
Gabriela Kania, University of Zurich 


LS2 Intersection Cardiovascular Biology
together with the Swiss Society of Cardiology
LS2 Cardiovascular Research Meeting 2025

The meeting was a great success!

We want to thank everyone for joining! 

A big thank you to our sponsors for supporting this meeting!

Meeting pictures can be found HERE.

We hope to see you all next time!


Congratulations to prize winners!


  • Best Talk - Benedetta Coppe (University of Bern) - 500 CHF sponsored by ADInstruments
  • 2nd Best Talk - Andrea Addorisio (University of Lausanne) - Nikon Camera (worth 500 CHF)
  • 3rd Best Talks - Clarisse Simons (University of Lausanne) - 300 CHF


  • Best Poster (Category Cardiac) - Greta Scherler (University of Lausanne) - 300 CHF
  • 2nd Best Poster (Category Cardiac) - Anja Helmer (University of Bern) - 150 CHF
  • Best Poster (Category Vascular) - Anais Yerly (University of Bern) - 300 CHF
  • 2nd Best Poster (Category Vascular) - Amedeo Tirandi (University of Zurich) - 150 CHF
Swiss Society of Cardiology
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