Free Public Panel: Vaccination in Disease Prevention (Wie Impfungen schützen)
Participation is open to the general public!
12.02.2020, 18:45–21:00
Short lectures by international experts in the field of vaccinology will be followed by an open discussion with the speakers and questions from the public.
Urs Greber (UZH) & Christian Münz (UZH)
Jan Fehr (University of Zurich, CH)
Invited speakers:
Martin Bachmann (Oxford University, UK and University of Bern, CH) Vaccination against chronic diseases
Nolwenn Jouvenet (Institut Pasteur, Paris, FR) Vaccination against yellow fever : a success story
Florian Klein (University of Köln, DE) Vaccination against Ebola
Thomas Mertens (University of Ulm, DE) Vaccination in Society - Experience from Germany (talk in the German language)
Attendance to the panel only is free.
Please register for the panel until February 7, 2020 with an e-mail to Full meeting attendance requires registration until December 08, 2019 with abstract, or January 13, 2020 without abstract via
The symposium is free of charges but requires registration until 1 August 2019 at :
Public Panel Discussion– Chair: Gerlind Wallon (EMBO Deputy Director & Program Manager)
Is merit (gender) biased? Advancement in academia.
***Attendance to the panel only is free. Please register for the panel until January 5, 2019 with an e-mail to***
Chair: Dr. Gerlind Wallon (EMBO Deputy Director & Program Manager)
Invited panelists:
Dr. Britt Dahmen (Head of Department for Gender Equality and Diversity | University of Cologne/DE)
E-Quality in selection processes: promising frameworks in practice
Prof. Dr. Marieke van den Brink (Radboud Gender & Diversity Studies | Radboud University, Nijmegen/NL)
Gender practices in recruitment and selection in academia
How do (gender) biases influence the evaluation and selection of scientists?
How can we address (gender) biases and reduce their influence on selection processes?
In this session we would like to explore how gender biases influence the evaluation of merit and thereby the outcome of selection processes in academia and elsewhere and how these can be addressed. Gerlind Wallon will summarise the current status of the representation of women in academia. Marieke van den Brink will report on her studies that reveal how recruitment in academia is influenced by (gender) biases. Britt Dahmen will present how the cascading model, a quota system required by law, is implemented at Cologne University. This will be followed by a panel discussion.
After the great success of the 2016 edition, LS2 ran a booth again at Planète Santé 2018!
We closely collaborated with to realize the booth at the fair among 30.000 visitors!
Please find below some of the fair highlights as a collage.
LS2 will collaborate with Life Science Zurich under the lead of Daniel Kiper to realize a project with advanced high school students.
The aim of this 2.5 day workshop should be to give 20-30 students the opportunity to: at the end get an insight into the daily routine of a life scientist & decide for themselves whether they want to study a life sciences topic.
This project is kindly supported by the Platform Biology of SCNAT.
Please find below a collage of the successful event and the announcement flyer!
***Attendance to the panel only is free. Please register for the panel until January, 5th, 2018 with an e-mail to Full meeting attendance requires registration via***
The CRISPR/Cas9 revolution is widely being talked about these days. Apart from being a major scientific breakthrough, it also reveals how different fears and hopes are being handled by science, society, economy, and policy makers. The CRISPR/Cas9 system thus represents an ideal case to discuss the different implications of modern biomedical research, from economical, legal and ethical implications, to aspects of scientific impact and careers. The transdisciplinary panel will give the stage to experts from different fields to then discuss all these aspects around one technology.
Martin Jinek (University of Zurich)
Bruno Lemaitre (EPF Lausanne)
Effy Vayena (Chair of Bioethics, Health Ethics and Policy Lab, Department of Health Sciences and Technology, ETH Zurich)
Heinz Müller (Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, Bern)
Moderation: Nik Walter (Tages-Anzeiger/SonntagsZeitung)
***Attendance to the panel only is free. Please register for the panel until January, 5th, 2018 with an e-mail to Full meeting attendance requires registration via***
As part of the LS2 Annual Meeting 2017, the SCNAT Forum for Genetic Research organised a session, followed by a roundtable discussion about: "Misuse of biological research: Do we need to be concerned?"
The Forum for Genetic Research invited participants of the LS2 Annual Meeting as well as other interested persons to explore this question. Cédric Invernizzi, biosecurity and bioweapons expert of the Spiez Laboratory, explained in his input talk why there have been increasing security-related concerns about life science research and what measures authorities but also scientists have implemented so far. An interdisciplinary panel of young scientists then discussed about their understanding of ethical research, the importance of open communication and the unpredictability of biological research. Around 30 participants took part followed and joined in on a lively and entertaining discussion.
The event report on this session and the resulting film can be found here - enjoy!
New in 05/2017
Misuse potential and biosecurity in life sciences research
A discussion basis for scientists on how to address the dual use dilemma of biological research
This new report by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences is now in English, German, French and Italian. Printed copies can be ordered free of charge. A digital version can be found here.
We highly enjoyed to have a booth presenting LS2 and some scientific experiments to the public and the future generation of scientists!
Here are the photos of this big event:
Big thanks go to all helpers and the Musée de la main Unil/CHUV (Roxanne Currat) for providing us with experiments and microscopes!
See you at the 2018 edition of Planète Santé!
Don't hesitate to contact us at
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