International Affiliations

International affiliations are of two kinds: (i) The direct European affiliations of LS2; (ii) Other international affiliations where LS2 acts as the representative of the general Swiss scientific community on behalf of the Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences (SCNAT).

Our memberships allow us to have a voice at the international level and, in some cases, to offer certain benefits to our members (see details of affiliations below).

European Affiliations 

LS2 is a member/affiliated society of:

- Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS)

  • Large annual congress
  • Travel grants
  • European Young Physiologists’ Symposium
  • Europhysiology conference

The president of the LS2 Section Physiology acts as representative of LS2 at FEPS council meetings and assemblies. 

- Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)

  • 4 international scientific journals – FEBS Journal, FEBS Letters, Molecular Oncology and FEBS Open Bio
  • Large annual congress
  • Funds an annual Young Scientists’ Forum, for scientific exchange and support for career development
  • Advanced Courses on focused bioscience research topics throughout the countries of the FEBS constituent societies
  • Support for participation of early-career scientists (FEBS Congress Bursaries and Advanced Courses Youth Travel Fund grants)
  • Various types of fellowships for pre-and post-doctoral bioscientists, to facilitate research, training and mobility
  • Workshops on biochemistry and molecular biology education
  • Various activities regarding innovation in teaching biochemistry (and beyond) at the undergraduate levels

The president of the LS2 Section MCB acts as representative of LS2 at FEBS council meetings and assemblies. Alexandra Bezler (EPFL) represents LS2 as FEBS ambassador for education and training.

- European Proteomics Association (EuPA)

The president of the LS2 Section Proteomics acts as representative of LS2 at EuPA council meetings and assemblies.

- European Biophysical Societies' Association (EBSA)

  • Provision of travel bursaries to the congress
  • Support of laboratory exchanges visits, schools and workshops, and some national, open-access society meetings in years when EBSA does not have a congress

The president of the LS2 Section Bioophysics acts as representative of LS2 at EBSA council meetings and assemblies.

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International Unions 

LS2 is adhering body of the following International Unions:

- International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB)

  • LS2 represents the Swiss scientific community on behalf of the Platform Biology of the SCNAT. The president of the LS2 Section MCB acts as the delegate.
  • For PhD students and postdocs: May apply to organize an ENABLE conference. (In this case, no need to be member of LS2, only to host the conference in a country that is an associated member). See also call with FEBS for 2023-2024.
  • Wood-Whelan Research Fellowships: to support junior biochemists and molecular biologists, from countries that are full or associate members of IUBMB who need to travel to other laboratories in the IUBMB region for the purpose of carrying out experiments that require special techniques or for other forms of scientific collaboration or advanced training. (In this case, no need to be member of LS2, only to live in a country that is an associated member)

- International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS)

  • LS2 represents the Swiss scientific community on behalf of the Platform Biology of the SCNAT. The president of the LS2 Section Physiology acts as the delegate.
  • IUPS was founded in 1953 and is a non-political and non-geographical scientific organization with more than 60 member societies from different countries. The IUPS is a platform for physiologist from all over the world to connect not only via its online platforms but e.g. during symposia and annual meetings.
  • IUPS provides a platform for worldwide exchange between physiologists of all countries by supporting global and regional scientific events.
  • IUPS supports young scientists from all over the world with travel grants and reduced registration fees, training through exchange programs, educational symposia, teaching workshops and a mentoring program especially in developing countries. IUPS also ensures that junior physiologists always have a voice via its web pages and social media and supports the Physiome project that aims to provide a quantitative modeling framework for understanding whole body function and models come from different fields.
  • IUPS is co-publishing two journals, Physiology and Physiome and aims to promote all aspects of physiology and key node points with other disciplines including biochemistry, cell biology, and cardiology, and biophysics. In addition, IUPS tightly nets with its sister organization (FEPS).

- International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB)

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FEBS Women’s Careers in Science

FEBS Women’s Careers in Science eBook is now published!

Download it here or on the FEBS website

IUBMB Focused Meeting

Do you wish to organize a meeting covering cutting edge science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology? Receive a financial contribution from IUBMB for a maximum of 60 000 USD!

The application deadline for organisationn of IUBMB Focused Meetings in 2026 has been extended to March 31st, 2025.

More information can be found on the website.


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