LS2 Supported Events

One of the missions of LS2 is to promote communication about Life Sciences in Switzerland. 
Here are a few of the events that LS2 has supported this year and the past years.

24 April 2025

Annual Spring Meeting 2025 of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSPT)

Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland

The Annual Spring Meeting 2025 of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSPT) will be held on April 24, 2025 at the Inselspital Bern, Switzerland.

This year's topic will be 'New Horizons in Disease Prevention'. The meeting is open for registration and abstract submission.

13 January 2026

Cytomeet 2026

UniS, Bern, Switzerland

The Cytomeet is a well-established one-day meeting for the Swiss scientific community interested in mechanisms of cell migration in vivo and in vitro. It takes place on a Tuesday in January each year and had been originally established by Profs. Seebeck and Gehr and continued by Profs. Chiquet, Dräger and Niggli. Since 2014, Prof. Engelhardt has taken over the organization of the Cytomeet.

In keeping with the tradition of the Cytomeet, we invite every year an outstanding international scientist as Keynote speaker. Previous Keynote speakers include Sussan Nourshargh, Michael Sixt, Dietmar Vestweber, Ben Nichols, Erik Sahai, Claire Hivroz and Miguel Angel del Pozo. Furthermore, scientists from all over Switzerland have the opportunity to present their work in a concise format. The attendance is free.

More info:…
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18 April 2024

Annual Spring Meeting 2024 of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSPT)

Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland

The Annual Spring Meeting 2024 of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology  (SSPT) will be held on April 18, 2024 at the Inselspital Bern, Switzerland.

This year's topic will be Artificial Intelligence in Pharmacology and Toxicology. The meeting is open for registration and abstract submission. infos
20 April 2023

Annual Spring Meeting 2023 of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSPT)

Auditorium Langhans. Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland

Registration/ submission of abstracts: Please send registration form and abstracts (as applicable) to Hugo Kupferschmidt

Deadline for registration/abstract submission: February 27, 2023

Abstract/poster information:

  • Topics: Scientific contributions to any fields of pharmacology and toxicology (not restricted to ageing).
  • Format: Max. 1 A4 page, 2.5 cm border around text block, font: Arial (≈600 words or 4000 characters incl. spaces). Composition: Title, authors, affiliations, text (grouped in Background, Methods, Results, Discussion, References, if applicable).

LS2 sponsors this event

More details in flyer attached.

9 June 2022

5th UNIGE Sciences PostDoc Day

Science III- Room A150, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
30 January – 1 February 2022

Rigi Workshop 2022 on Cell Biology of Infection

Rigi Kulm Hotel, Rigi mountain, Switzerland
13–15 October 2021

10th Basel Postdoc Network Meeting

Belle Epoque Hotel Victoria, Kandersteg, Switzerland
27 May 2021

4th UNIGE Sciences PostDoc Day

17 September 2020

3rd UNIGE Sciences PostDoc Day

13–15 June 2018

Basel Postdoc Network Retreat

Silvretta Parkhotel Klosters****, Davos, Switzerland

Registration for the 8th Basel Postdoctoral Network Retreat will open on the 10th of March 2018 and will close on the 31st of April 2018.

All infos on:
17 May 2018

UNIGE PostDoc Day

Quai Ernest-Ansermet 24, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
19 April 2018

Spring Meeting of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland
23 January 2018

Cytomeet 2018

House of the University, Bern, Switzerland
The meeting for scientists working on cell migration

Dear all

We herewith kindly invite you to register for the next "Cytomeet" that will take place on JANUARY 23, 2018 in Bern at the House of the University (see enclosed document for information and registration).

Our 2018 international keynote speakers are Dr. Matteo Iannacone from the San Rafaele Research Institute in Milan, Italy, and Dr. Philippe Bousso from the Pasteur Institute, Paris, France. Our national keynote speaker is Dr. Santiago Gonzalez from the IRB in Bellinzona. Their common research thread focuses on visualizing the adaptive immune response during innate and adaptive immune responses, with publications in leading journals including Cell, Nature, Science Immunology etc.

Please fill out the registration form attached and send it back to by December 15 indicating whether you would like present your recent work in a 15 min-formate (12 min talk plus 3 min discussion). Attention: there is limited space for such presentations!

The best presentation from a young scientist will be awarded the "best junior presentation award"!

Also, do not forget to indicate whether you will be staying for lunch. We do need this information to adapt the food supply accordingly.

Kind regards and hope to see you in Bern on January 23, 2018!

Daniel Legler ( & Jens Stein (

20 April 2017

Spring Meeting of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland

The aim of the meeting is to gather scientists interested or working in the fields of experimental, clinical or regulatory pharmacology & toxicology, or in pharmaceutical medicine.

The spring meeting of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSPT) will take place in Bern on the 20th of April 2017.

SSPT Spring Meeting 2017  
22–24 June 2016

Basel Postdoc Retreat 2016

Saas-Fee, Switzerland

Keynote speakers include:

Prof. Dr. Oliver Einsle
Institut für Biochemie
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
79104 Freiburg


Prof. Stephen Hill
The University of Nottingham Medical School
Queen’s Medical Centre

Furthermore, the retreat features several “Career Talk” speakers:

  • Natalya Izergina, Consultant, Recruiter’s advice
  • Jeanette Wood, Director, Inovaid Pte Ltd
  • Caroline Peneff-Verheyden, Intenational Grants and EUResearch
  • Franck Vazquez, CSO, MDPI – Open Access Academic Publisher
See the meeting website for more information:
21 April 2016

Spring Meeting of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology "Innovative Therapeutic Modalities: Opportunities and Challenges"

Auditorium Langhans, Inselspital Bern, Bern, Switzerland
18–20 January 2016

PhD Retreat UNIGE

Leysin, Switzerland

The International PhD conference is organized by students participating in the life science PhD program of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Geneva. This annual PhD conferences promotes the communication between different fields of life science and has traditionally been a space for open discussions between students, professors, and partners.
23–25 September 2015

Basel Postdoc Network Retreat

Kandersteg, Switzerland

The 2015 Basel Postdoctoral Network retreat will encompass a keynote address, career talks, talks by postdocs, a postdoc poster session, social events and an award ceremony. The retreat will be held in Kandersteg, Switzerland from the 23rd to the 25th of September 2015.
2–4 September 2015

Life Sciences Symposium

Lausanne, Switzerland

The Symposium will reflect this diversity and multidisciplinarity, featuring an outstanding group of scientists from different areas of the Life Sciences and Bioengineering. This symposium will bring together leading scientists from around the world who make critical contributions to their respective fields, including cancer biology, immunology, neurobiology, stem cell biology and personalized medicine. 

The EPFL Life Sciences Symposium 2015 will take place on the EPFL campus in Lausanne, Switzerland, from September 2nd-4th, 2015.
23 April 2015

Annual Spring Meeting 2015 of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology  (SSPT)

Bern, Switzerland

The aim of the meeting is to gather scientists interested or working in the fields of experimental, clinical or regulatory pharmacology & toxicology, or in pharmaceutical medicine.

The spring meeting of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSPT) will take place in Bern on the 23rd of April 2015.
12 February 2015

Zurich Life Science Day

Zurich, Switzerland

The Zurich Life Science Day has been hosted every winter since the innaugural event in 2010 and acting as a primary catalyst for student-to-professional networking opportunities and career development.
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