
New LS2 Intersection Bioinformatics 

Together with the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
Founded in June 2019

What is bioinformatics?
Bioinformatics develops and applies computational methods to solve biological questions. Bioinformatics ​is​ ​a transversal ​discipline​ ​in​ ​that​ ​nearly​ ​all areas of Life Science ​have​ ​a bioinformatic component. In each of these domains of application, Bioinformatics accelerate progress through quantitative, integrative, and scalable methods. Conversely, Bioinformatics benefits from the "reality check" and new problems that arise in each domain.

What is SIB?
The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics is an internationally recognized non-profit organization, dedicated to biological and biomedical data science. Its data scientists are passionate about creating knowledge and solving complex questions in many fields, from biodiversity and evolution to medicine. They provide essential databases and software platforms as well as bioinformatics expertise and services to academic, clinical, and industry groups. SIB federates the Swiss bioinformatics community of some 800 scientists, encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing. The institute contributes to keeping Switzerland at the forefront of innovation by fostering progress in biological research and enhancing health.

Why this intersection?
This newly created intersection thus materializes the fact that bioinformatics and life sciences feed from each other. Through activities that will be determined by its board, this intersection aims to 1) create additional bridges between the two disciplines, 2) foster collaborations between SIB Members and LS2 Members, and 3) accelerate the development of methods and tools supporting the latest experimental developments.

The Bioinformatics Intersection welcomes any LS2 member willing to discover more about bioinformatics and participate in common activities.

Executive Committee 

Katja Bärenfaller - President
SIB Group Leader, Head Molecular Allergology Group.
Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research, SIAF

Carlos-Andrés Peña-Reyes - Vice-President
SIB Group Leader, Computational Intelligence for Computational Biology.

Marie Dangles
Executive Team - Director, External & Internal Relations, SIB.

Paulina Pacak
ETH Zürich

Zsolt Balzás
University of Zurich


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