LS2 Travel Grants

LS2 Travel Grant for PhD Students 

LS2 travel grant and travel grant report regulations

1. Eligibility and Formal Criteria for Applicants

  • Minimum membership at LS2: 1 year, at the time of the application submission
  • Only PhD students are eligible for LS2 travel grants (TG) (sponsored by SCNAT)
  • Maximum lifetime funding per PhD student: 1400 CHF. For European conferences - maximum of 800 CHF. For Online conferences - a minimum of 100 CHF, and a maximum of 800 CHF. For international conferences  - a maximum of 1400 CHF.
  • What is funded: travel (2nd class/economy fare), registration fees, and hotel
  • Applications have to be submitted by individuals (private Swiss bank account) (no institutional application)
  • Active participation at the meeting (poster or talk)
  • Meetings can be on-site or online

     Please respect the two annual submission deadlines: March 1st and September 1st.

  • Applicants have to indicate their LS2 section on the application form, TG can only be applied within one section
  • Applications have to be submitted before the grantee has attended the meeting
  • Please fill in this ONLINE APPLICATION FORM
  • Please prepare to upload your CV, your congress abstract, a list of publications and a recommendation letter as one pdf

2. Selection of TG Candidates
All eligible applications will be evaluated by the LS2 Travel Grant Evaluation Committee. Grands will be awarded to the candidates with the highest scores.

3. Refund and Travel Grant Report
PhD students who have received a TG will in return share their project/travel/conference experience with the public (written report for a lay audience to be posted on the LS2 and/or SCNAT website).

  • Submission of Travel Grant Reports needs to be done via e-mail to info[@]
  • Mandatory: At least one page (A4) meeting report with a photo of yourself at the conference (e.g., in front of the poster/while giving the talk. Please include your name, conference date and title).
  • The logos of LS2 and SCNAT have to be placed on your poster or on the acknowledgement slide (logos will be provided in the confirmation mail to the applicant)
  • Please include your name, affiliation and e-mail address
  • Please include the exact name and the place/dates of the conference
  • You may send us the abstract of your work if you wish to have this published on our website together with your report.
  • If you wish to submit your meeting report in a different format (slide show, ppt presentation...), please contact us (
  • The travel grant recipient agrees that his/her report will be published on our website at and that photos he/she sends from the conference might be posted on the LS2 social media channels


LS2 Travel Grant Reports 2024 

LS2 Travel Grant Reports 2023 

LS2 Travel Grant Reports 2022 

LS2 Travel Grant Reports 2021 

LS2 Travel Grant Reports 2020 

LS2 Travel Grant Reports 2019 

LS2 Travel Grant Reports 2018 

LS2 Travel Grant Reports 2017 

LS2 Travel Grant Reports 2016 

LS2 Travel Grant Reports 2014 

Will you be one of the Travel Grant awardees?
Two deadlines for applications - 01 March and 01 September each year

LS2 Travel grants are sponsored by the Swiss Academy of Sciences, SCNAT. We follow SCNAT guidelines to financially support funding for conference participations.

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