LS2 COVID-19 Window

Two years into COVID-19 - Lessons in SARS-CoV-2 and perspective 

Author: Urs Greber
Posted: 17.11.2021

COVID-19 vaccination explained 

Author: LS2 Management Office
Posted: 06.04.2021, updated 26.05.2021

Want to have a comparisons of the different vaccines on the market?
Want to share those informations with non-scientists?

Want to help in the COVID-19 crisis? Provide competences or ressources on ARC 

Author: LS2 Management Office
Posted: 03.11.2020

The Academic Resources for COVID-19 (ARC) is an online platform to match equipment, consumables, reagents and other critical resources needed by Swiss diagnostic laboratories involved in combating the Sars-CoV-2 virus with Swiss academic groups who are able and willing to provide them. More informations here:

You will find an easy interface to keep the  available supplies up-to-date here:
You can also see the list of current critical requests here:

Matching requests with supplies - together we can fight COVID-19.

Swiss National COVID-19 Task Force 

The Swiss National COVID-19 Task Force is a national scientific advisory board set up specifically for the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Task Force’s mandate comes from the following federal bodies: the Federal Council Coronavirus Crisis Unit KSBC, the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH and the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI.
Its members comprise the following institutions: the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF, the ETH Board, Swissuniversities, and the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences. The Task Force is chaired by Prof. Martin Ackermann.

The Task Force Policy Briefs can be found here.
The Task Force Expert Groups can be found here.

From Basic Science to Disease & Society 

Author: Pr. Urs Greber (University of Zurich)
Posted: 30.4.2020 / Updated: 25.5.2020

This list of useful links has been compiled by Prof. Urs Greber (Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich):

  • Compilation of Drugs & Therapies against COVID-19 from the Austrian Institute of Health Technology. April 2020.Covid-19 Horizon Scanning Living Document Part 1 and Part 2

  • COVID-19 Research Registry of the American Society of Microbiology (ASM). Basic virology, Treatment, Epidemiology, Diagnostics, Prevention, Reviews. Curators in Chief: Lynn Enquist (Princeton faculty, former President of ASM) & Harold Varmus (former NIH director, & Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1989) 

SIB Resources supporting SARS-CoV-2 Research 

Author: SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
Posted: 20.05.2020

Here you will find a regularly updated list of dedicated data services, analysis tools, courses, by SIB experts and resources taking part in the global effort to improve knowledge sharing to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read more about our LS2 Bioinformatics Intersection

Corona OMA Browser 

Author: Pr. Christophe Dessimoz (SIB)
Posted: 11.6.2020

Corona OMA Browse:
Web based Database Interface for Orthology prediction

The SARS-CoV-2 is a strain of coronavirus which causes the Covid19 disease in humans. Reaching a peak in the spring of 2020, the world was affected by a pandemic, causing many negative impacts on health, travel, the economy, education, and many other aspects of daily life. Out of this tragedy however, new scientific interest in the field of virology and specifically of coronaviruses has flourished. Scientists across the world are rapidly researching more into the subject, journals have fast-tracked papers, and the world waits anxiously to understand more about SARS-Cov-2 and to ultimately obtain a vaccine. 

What is it:
In order to facilitate the functional and evolutionary aspects of coronaviruses, we have created the Corona Oma Browser. This is a website with all the functionality of the OMA Browser, but for 119 Nidovirales species. This encompasses the human SARS viruses, but also other coronaviruses and other single-stranded RNA viruses. Some of these viruses affect humans, while others affect bats, mice, horses, pigs, turkeys, cats, ferrets, etc. This browser is intended to be a resource for researchers in the coronavirus community.

Cool things with have in the browser and what we can show with it:
See which species are included

  • Function of genes with Gene Ontology
  • Create a phylogenetic tree with Export Marker Genes function
  • Explore patterns of duplication and loss with iham visualization
  • Obtain gene families with the Hierarchical Orthologous Groups
  • Assess the conservation of local genomic neighborhood across multiple species
  • Mapping new gene sequences to existing gene families and inferring the function
  • Visualization of domain architecture and comparison to other HOGs

Christophe Dessimoz is group leader at Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and current president of our LS2 Bioinformatics Intersection. Christophe Dessimoz lab:

Scientific Journals Ressources 

Author: LS2 Management Office
Posted: 28.10.2020

Find under the COVID-19 ressources provided by scientific journals:

AAAS, COVID-19 ressources

American Society for Microbiology, COVID-19-Research

E-life, COVID-19 collection of articles

Lancet, COVID-19 Resource Centre

Nature, COVID-19 research

PLoS, COVID-19 Resources and Updates


More ressources for the Public and Scientists:

50 US Experts to Trust in a Pandemic

AAAS Voices of the pandemic

Discover reliable COVID-19 research program

This is a page for the scientific community of Life Sciences in Switzerland and the public about the current pandemic. Members and non-members of LS2 can share their knowledge here.

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