LS2 Annual Meetings

The LS2 Annual Meeting 2025 took place on 12 &13 February 2025 in Fribourg, at the University of Fribourg, campus Pérolles. 

The Young Scientists' Satellite on 11 February 2025 - same location.

More details on the meeting website.

Registration Fees 

BSc/MSc student 20 CHF
PhD student of LS2 60 CHF
Regular Member of LS2 70 CHF
PhD student of Partner Society 100 CHF
Regular member of an LS2 Partner Society   110 CHF
Non-member 175 CHF

On-site registration is subjected to a 25 CHF administrative fee.

The LS2 Annual Meeting 2024 

Exploring the Wonders of Life

Report to be updated.

The LS2 Annual Meeting 2023 

Life on Earth: Coping with Challenges

Report to be updated. 

The LS2 Annual Meeting 2022 

Life Sciences in the 2020s: quantitation, integration and prediction

The LS2 Annual Meeting 2022 was initially planned on-site in Geneva on February in Campus Uni Mail – UNIGE, together with its Young Scientists’ Satellite. Due to an unexpected situation in the City of Geneva we moved to Zurich, Campus Irchel of the UZH, but this was not the only changed that meeting suffered, due to the still uncertain situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizing committee decided to postpone the LS2 Annual Meeting 2022 to 21 - 22 April 2022 and its Young Scientists’ Satellite to 20 April 2022.

Despiste of those changes, the meeting was a great success thank you to the collaboration and flexibility of chairs, speakers and the motivation of the meeting chair.

We thank you all for contributing to this event, which is the central meeting point for our members, and for us a real pleasure to organize.

Meeting chair:
Lidie Lane (University of Geneva and Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics)

Topic of the conference: 
Life Sciences in the 2020s: quantitation, integration and prediction

***Here are photos of the meeting***
See photo credit guidelines at the end of this paragraph

Highlights of the conference with more than 300 participants were:

  • A scientific program with more than 30 (inter)nationally invited speakers over two days plus 40+ selected young speakers from abstracts
  • 2 international plenary lectures: Marnix Medema (Wageningen University, NL) and Nevan Krogran (University of California San Francisco. US)
  • 3 plenary lectures from Swiss Awards: Lelio Orci Award 2021 Markus Rüegg (Biozentrum, University of Basel), Friedrich Miescher Award 2022 Paul Guichard (University of Geneva) and Prix Schläfli 2021 Dr Gregor Weiss (ETH Zurich).
  • 10 scientific symposia: "Advances in Translational Pharmacology" - "From Genotype to Phenotype: Quantify, Integrate and Predict" - "Implication of the Circadian Clock in Sleep and Mood Regulation" - "Host-Parasite Interactomes" - "Computational and AI-Driven Drug/Vaccine Discovery" - "Biochemistry in 2020s: Quantitation, Integration and Prediction" -
    "Handling large-scale Complex Datasets: Integration, Modeling, Prediction" -"Computational Approaches for Biological Imaging " - "Cell Biology in the 2020s: Dynamics, Quantitation, Integration and Prediction" - "Combining Proteomics and Genomics for Advanced Precision Medicine".
  • 1 invited short talk organized by the Forum for Genetic Research (SCNAT) on the topic "Personalized Health"
  • The contest ”PIs of Tomorrow“
  • A large industry exhibition with 30 industry partners and an industry exhibition lottery

Novelities in 2022:

  • LS2 Research Slam Contest: With this contest we wanted to promote the importance of communicating scientific results to all types of audiences.
  • Short talks in plenary session: 9 abstracts were selected to give a short talk in plenary session.
  • E-Posters: The 2022 edition didn't have posters on-site, instead an online platform was created to hold 102 e-posters under the concept "Online posters, on-site networking". This new concept had double function, giving flexibility to the organizing committee in case possible space retrictuions due to the COVID-19 pandemic and also allowed to all participants to be connected during 4 weeks, as the online platform was open 2 weeks before the conference and up 2 weeks after.

With these novelties, a participants who submitted an abstract could be selected:

  • for a short talk in one of our 11 scientific symposia
  • for a short talk in plenary session - New in 2022
  • for a short talk in the Young Scientists' Satellite
  • for the contest “LS2 Research Slam” (more information here) - New in 2022
  • had a spot on online platform for e-poster

All those iniciatives had the objetive of giving more presence to young researchers to present their work.

Winners fo the different prizes:

  • 1st Exhibition Prize: Talia Bergaglio (EMPA).Sponsored by LS2.
  • 2nd Exhibition Prize: Judith Notbohm (University of Zurich). Sponsored by BioConcept.
  • 3rd Exhibition Prize: Gaëlle Botton-Amiot (University of Fribourg).Sponsored by IGZ Instruments.
  • Best short talk in plenary session:  Fabio Steffen (University of Zurich). Sponsored by / Boehringer Ingelheim.
  • Best Research Slam presentation: Irina Bregy (University of Bern). Sponsored by Jakson ImmunoResearch.
  • Best presentation in young satellite meeting: Michael Schmitz (University of Zurich).Sponsored by LS2.
  • Best short talk 1 in Microscopy symposia:  Talia Bergaglio (EMPA).Sponsored by Zeiss.
  • Best short talk 2 in Microscopy symposia:  Willi Stepp (EPFL). Sponsored by FocalPlane.
  • Best short talk in Pharmacology symposia: Chiara Pozzato (University of Bern). Sponsored by SSEP.

Winners of the PIs of Tomorrow Competition:

  • Jury Prize: Alicia Michael (FMI). Sponsored by GenScript and Nikon.
  • Public Prize: Adam Gosztolai (EPFL). Sponsored by / Boehringer Ingelheim.

Scientific Committee: Frederique Lisacek (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics) Mirko Trajkovski (University of Geneva) Carlos Andrés Peña (University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland at the Yverdon site) Aleksandra Radenovic (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne). 

LS2 Organizers: Adela Calvente & Jessica Plucain, Scientific Officers LS2. Jacqueline Oberholzer, Secretary LS2
Freelancers: Dagmar Bocakova/Design, Michael Vögeli/IT, Dominique Ritter/Accounting

*Photo credit requirements when published anywhere else:  "Fabien & Sergio Photography

The LS2 Annual e-Meeting 2021 

Mechanisms in Health, Disease and Ageing

The LS2 Annual Meeting 2021 was initially planned on-site on 18 and 19 February in Campus Uni Mail – UNIGE, together with its Young Scientists’ Satellite on 17 February. Due the COVID-19 pandemic the organizing committee decided to turn into ONLINE and adapt the program to a virtual format. It took place in three afternoons, 17, 18 & 19 of February 2021

Meeting chair

  • Mario Tschan (UNIBE)

Topic of the conference

  • Mechanisms in Health, Disease and Aeging. 

Concept and program:

To include participants from different time-zones, it was key to condense the sessions during the afternoons. Also, we slightly reduced the length of talks and symposia to adapt to a virtual format, but our priority was to include all the traditional highlights of the annual event. Moreover, additionally in 2021 we held a workshop organized by The Forum for Genetic Research (SCNAT): “Dialogue on Human Genome Editing”. The workshop was very well received. Details and reports of this session can be read here.

To integrate all that, we used an external virtual platform from where the participants could access to all the content with a single link, a personal login link. Read a more extended report in the meeting website and in our survey.

Highlights of the conference with more than 400 participants were:

  • 405 registered participants from 12 countries
  • 3 keynote plenary speakers: Dario Valenzano (Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing – DE), Tony Wyss-Coray (Stanford University - US) and Katrien De Bock (ETH Zürich – CH)
  • 10 Scientific Symposia organized by sections/intersections and partners of LS2
  • 4 award lectures of the Friedrich-Miescher Award, the Lelio Orci Award and the Prix Schläfli Award
  • 22 international invited speakers
  • 6 industry talks
  • 24 short talks selected from abstracts
  • 4 Breakout rooms at the Young Scientists’ Symposia with 9 invited panelists. 
  • 75 e-posters distributed in 3 dedicated sessions
  • 7 poster prizes & 3 exhibition prizes
  • 8 virtual booths
  • 26 sponsors
  • 66 applications for the PIs of Tomorrow Competition.

Poster Prizes, Exhibition Prizes and PIOT Winners: 

  • PIOT Jury Prize, sponsored by Nikon and Elisa Araldi – ETHZ
  • PIOT Public Prize, sponsored by Jackson ImmunoResearch and Beckman Coulter: Karina Silina - UZH
  • FEBS Letters poster prizes: Kaushik Bhattacharya – UNIGE & Nicolas Niklaus – UNIBE
  • SSEP poster prize: Magdalena Rausch – UNIGE
  • Poster prize of the Department of cell physiology and metabolism from the University of Geneva: Camille Rabesahala de Meritens – UNIGE
  • MS Wil poster prize: Joaquín Perez-Schindler – UNIBAS
  • Zeiss poster prize: Timo Rey – EPFL
  • Cells-MDPI poster prizes: Yustina Maria Puspitasari – UZH & Jiongming Lu - MPG
  • 1st Exhibition Prize sponsored by Vitaris: Laura Fernandez – UNIL
  • 2nd Exhibition Prize sponsored by Zeiss: Martina Lüthi – UNIBE
  • 3rd Exhibition Prize sponsored by Bioconcept: Arianna Arpagaus - ETHZ

Scientific Committee

  • Alex Eggel (UNIBE), Jörn Dengjel (UNIFR), Brenda Kwak (UNIGE) and Collin Ewald (ETHZ)

LS2 Organizers

  • Adela Calvente & Jessica Plucain, Scientific Officers of LS2
  • Jacqueline Oberholzer, Secretary LS2
  • Freelancers: Dagmar Bocakova/Design, Michael Vögeli/IT, Dominique Ritter/Accounting

Hosts of parallel sessions:  

  • Marta Correia de Sousa (UNIGE), Sandrine Reymond (UNIGE), Manon Mottet (UNIGE), Jonas Albinus (ETH Zurich), Riccardo Mancuso (UNIBAS), Dotun A. Adeyinka (UNIFR), Sara Roig (UNIBAS) and Ernerst Abboud (UNIGE).

We thank you very much to all for contributing to this event.

Find below the flyer of the event, the program and the list of e-poster 

The FEBS3+ LS2 Annual Meeting 2020 

Cells, Molecules & Organisms

1st Joint Meeting with the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM) and the Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ÖGMBT) and generously supported by FEBS as a FEBS3+ conference!

Meeting chair:
Fiona Doetsch (Biozentrum, UNIBAS)
Topic of the conference:
Cells, Molecules & Organisms

***Here are photos of the meeting!***
See photo credit guidelines at the end of this paragraph

Highlights of the conference with 450 participants were:

  • A scientific program with more than 40 (inter)nationally renowned speakers over two days plus 50+ selected young speakers from abstracts
  • 4 international plenary lectures: Ya-Chieh Hsu (US); Alex Schier, Biozentrum, University of Basel (CH); Erin Schuman, Max-Planck-Institute for Brain Research (DE); and Melina Schuh, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (DE)
  • 11 scientific symposia:
    Repair strategies for the heart & the vessels - Immunometabolic control of cancer & chronic diseases - Smart microscopy: machine learning applied to life sciences - Ubiquitin signalling & stress responses - Protein transport & sorting - Cell polarization & morphogenesis - Proteomics in food, nutrition & health sciences - Cell biology of infection - Chromatin organization & epigenetic regulation - Neural stem cells during development & in adulthood - Biological systems on the molecular scale
  • The first Young Scientists' Satellite Meeting on February 12 promoted networking among young, non-professorial scientists from Switzerland, Germany and Austria and motivate them in their career development by making them part of a panel discussion
  • Free Public Panel discussion on Vaccinology
  • The popular Postdoc contest ”PIs of Tomorrow“ where the best future projects from diverse disciplines were being showcased.
  • Two dedicated poster sessions and a poster quiz with 135 posters presented by promising young scientists who can enter the competition for various poster prizes
  • A large industry exhibition with 35 industry partners and an industry exhibition lottery
  • The award lectures of the Friedrich-Miescher Award, the Lelio Orci Award and the Prix Schläfli award

Scientific Committee:
Richard Benton (UNIL), Marie-Noelle Giraud (UNIFR), Susan Mango (UNIBAS), Howard Riezman (UNIGE), Sophie Martin (UNIL), Lukas Sommer (UZH), Marko Kaksonen (UNIGE), Volker Thiel (UNIBE)
LS2 Organizers:
Carolin von Schoultz & Elena Cardenal, Scientific Officers LS2
Jacqueline Oberholzer, Secretary LS2
Freelancers: Dagmar Bocakova/Design, Michael Vögeli/IT, Dominique Ritter/Accounting

We thank you all for contributing to this event, which is the central meeting point for our members, and for us a real pleasure to organize!

Poster prize winners
Swiss Young Cell Biologist of the Year, sponsored by ASCB & SCNAT: Michael Bachmann.
Physiology, sponsored by UNIGE/PHYM: Mitsugu Shimobayashi.
The FEBS Letters poster prizes, sponsored by FEBS Letters: Irma Querques and Tatjana Kleele.
Experimental Pharmacology, sponsored by SSEP: Paulina Now.
Exhibition Lottery draw, sponsored by IGZ Instruments, Jackson ImmunoResearch and Vitaris: Nawel Zouggari, Lukas Mürner and Ophélie Rutschmann.
Poster Quiz draw, sponsored by Jackson ImmunoResearch: Vadim Saratov.

*Photo credit requirements when published anywhere else:
- File prefix "Chris": Please cite as "Christopher Henry" with link to
- File prefix "Matteo": Please cite as "Matteo Cogliati" with link to

The LS2 Annual Meeting 2019 

Cell Biology from Tissue to Nucleus

... took place at the University of Zurich, Irchel Campus from 14-15 February 2019. 

Highlights of the meeting with 389 participants were:

  • 4 Plenary Lectures by Anna Akhmanova, Anne Bertolotti, Leonie Ringrose and Jodie Rosenblatt.
  • 7 Scientific Symposia with 15 invited speakers & 43 speakers selected from abstracts all across the Life Sciences: Proteomics - Microbiology - Microscopy - Experimental Pharmacology - Chemical Biology - Molecular & Cellular Biosciences - Physiology.
  • A large Poster Session mixed with an Industry Exhibition and a big Jubilee Apéro (50 years of USGEB/LS2).
  • A Lunch Career Session organized by the Career Services at the University of Zurich.
  • A public Science Policy Session chaired by the EMBO Deputy Director & Program Manager Dr. Gerling Wallon on gender bias in academia.
  • THE contest for Postdocs planning to start their own group: "PIs of Tomorrow: The Future of Swiss Research", presenting the best 5 out of over 53 applications.
  • The "Friedrich-Miescher" and "Lelio Orci" Award ceremonies.

Here are photos of the meeting!

We thank you all for contributing to this event, which is the central meeting point for our members, and for us a real pleasure to organize.

Poster prize winners
Swiss Young Cell Biologist of the Year, sponsored by ASCB & SCNATLarisa Neagu Maier (UNIFR)
Physiology, sponsored by UNIGE/PHYM: Anuradha Rajendran (UZH)
The FEBS Letters, sponsored by FEBS LettersJatinder Kaur (UNIGE) & Timo Rey (EPFL)
Experimental Pharmacology, sponsored by SSEPChiara Borsari (UNIBAS)
Swiss 3R, sponsored by the Swiss 3R Competence CenterKatrin Wendrich (UNIFR) & Tijmen Booij (ETHZ)

LS2 General Assembly
15 February 2019, 16:00-16:30, Irchel Campus, room G95
The following agenda points have been approved (full approval on all votes):
Financial statement 2018 & outlook 2019 - Formal approval of the new intersection Microscopy and their board members - New board members of existing sections (MCB: Sophie Martin/UNIL, Phisiology: Christine Peinelt/UNIBE & Maud Frieden/UNIGE) - Strategic projects 2019 - Auditing body: Burger Treuhand AG - New LS2 PhD Travel Grant deadlines (March 1st & September 1st).

The meeting booklet and the flyer of the 2019 edition can be found below.

We are already looking forward to the next edition of the LS2 Annual Meeting 2020 in Zurich, Irchel Campus on 13-14 February 2020!

The LS2 Annual Meeting 2018 

Metabolism & Signaling in the Life Sciences

...took place at the University of Lausanne, Amphimax/Amphipôle from 12-13 February 2018. 

Highlights of the meeting with 530 participants were:

  • 4 Plenary Lectures by Sharon Tooze, Herbert ‘Skip’ W. Virgin, Andrea Ballabio, and Tamotsu Yoshimori
  • 10 Scientific Symposia with 30 invited speakers & 40 speakers selected from abstracts all across the Life Sciences: Molecular & Cell. Biosciences (x2) - Neurosciences - Infection/Proteomics - Physiology - Systems Biology - Autophagy/Cell Death - Experimental Pharmacology - Bioinformatics - Physics of Biology
  • A large Poster Session mixed with an Industry Exhibition and a big Apéro - Time to meet and discuss with your collaborators and friends!
  • Two Lunch Career Roundtables on non-academic careers
  • A "FEBS Science&Society" - sponsored public panel discussion on CRISPR/Cas9
  • A Science Crowdfunding evening event by
  • THE contest for Postdocs planning to start their own group: "PIs of Tomorrow: The Future of Swiss Research", presenting the best 6 out of over 80 applications
  • The "Friedrich-Miescher" and "Lelio Orci" Award ceremonies

Here are photos of the meeting!

We thank you all for contributing to this event, which is the central meeting point for our members and for us a real pleasure to organize.

Poster prize winners
Swiss Young Cell Biologist of the Year, sponsored by ASCB & SCNATKateryna Shkarina (UNIL)
Physiology, sponsored by UNIGE/PHYM: Anna Keppner (UNIFR)
Autophagy, sponsored by MDPI/CellsIwona Pilecka (UNIGE)
Experimental Pharmacology, sponsored by SSEPQuentin Haas (UNIBE)
Virology, sponsored by Journal of General Virology (JGV)Eirini Tseligka (UNIGE)

LS2 General Assembly
13 February 2018, 12:40-13:10, Lausanne Amphipôle, room 318
The following agenda points have been approved (one abstention in all votes, no dissenting votes): Financial statement 2017 & outlook 2018 - Formal approval of the new (inter)sections Autophagy, Cardiovascular Biology, Systems Biology and their board members (see links above for more infos) - New board members of existing sections (MCB: Anne Spang/UNIBAS, Proteomics: Marc Moniatte/EPFL, Debora Bonenfant/NIBR Basel) - The new LS2 presidency (Urs Greber/UZH, president; Didier Picard/UNIGE, vice-president, one additional abstention in the latter) - New section presidencies: Francois Karch/UNIGE, MCB section president; Zhihong Yang/UNIFR, Physiology section president - Strategic projects 2018 - Auditing body: Burger Treuhand AG - Revised and lawyer-approved LS2 Bylaws.

The meeting booklet and the flyer of the 2018 edition can be found below.

We are already looking forward to the next edition of the LS2 Annual Meeting 2019 in Zurich, Irchel Campus on 14-15 February 2019!

The LS2 Annual Meeting 2017

...took place at the University of Zurich, Campus Irchel, from 2-3 February 2017. 

Highlight pictures of the event can be found here.

Highlights of the meeting with over 500 participants were:

  • 4 plenary lectures by Fiona Doetsch, Denis Duboule, Andrew Macpherson, and Bernd Bukau
  • 11 scientific symposia all across the Life Sciences
  • Special session: "Careers in the Life Sciences" - 24 speakers with diverse backgrounds
  • THE Swiss contest for Postdocs planning to start their own group: "Tomorrow's PIs: The Future of Swiss Research", presenting the best 6 of over 70 applications this year
  • 38 booths in our Industry exhibition
  • A combined poster session with over 150 posters together with a Musical Apéro - Time to meet and discuss with your collaborators and friends!
  • The "Friedrich-Miescher" and "Lelio Orci" Award ceremonies

As part of the meeting, the SCNAT Forum for Genetic Research organised a session, followed by a roundtable discussion about: "Misuse of biological research: Do we need to be concerned?".

The event report on this session and the resulting film can be found here.

The meeting booklet and the flyer of the 2017 edition can be found below.

We are already looking forward to the next edition of the LS2 Annual Meeting 2018 in Lausanne,12-13th of February, 2018!

The LS2 Annual Meeting 2016 

Interdisciplinary Sciences

...took place at the University of Lausanne from 15-16 February 2016. The conference was themed "Interdisciplinary Sciences" and welcomed exciting presentations from internationally renowned scientists working in diverse interdisciplinary fields of the Life Sciences.

The SCNAT Forum Genforschung organised a debate among young scientists to which all participants of the conference are welcome. Members of the iGEM team discussed with other young researchers the chances and risks of Synthetic Biology. The session took place on 16 February in the afternoon, followed by short films on Synthetic Biology in the same auditory.

Please find below the meeting booklet and flyer of the 2016 editition.

The LS2 Annual Meeting 2015 

Light: From the Basis of Life to Life Science Technologies

...took place at the University of Zurich, Campus Irchel, from 29-30 January 2015

During two days, this meeting provided the possibility to explore cutting-edge science in various presentations evolving around the topic "Light: From the basis of Life to Life Science Technologies"

Alongside our program of renowned international speakers, the LS2 member and two guest societies presented their most recent work in specific symposia. 

Please find the meeting booklet and the flyer of the 2015 edition below.

The LS2 Annual Meeting 2014 

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