Postdoc Associations in CH

Post-Doc Association of the University of Geneva (APDU)
They are a group of motivated PostDocs from the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Geneva. The goal of the association is to strengthen social and scientific ties here at UNIGE, and to promote career development for postdocs by organising a mentoring program, academic meetings and career forums. They are open to all Faculties and Disciplines at the University of Geneva.

Basel Postdoc Network
They organise annual retreats for the postdoctoral community of Basel from both academia and industry. Their aim is to bring together postdocs from life sciences, chemistry, medicine and physics to discuss their scientific achievements, provide insights into career opportunities and to extend their professional network.

Postdoc Club of the Department of Biomedicine (DBM) at University of Basel
A platform to facilitate networking and collaboration within the department, within the University, and with other academic and industry collaborators. It offers career development seminars presented by academic and industry speakers.

EPFL Postdoc Association
The main goals of the association are to facilitate networking, organize various events and keep you informed for any interesting upcoming events. Additionally we aim to be a gateway for prospective postdoc candidates and a platform for current postdocs to organize their own events.

BioScience Network Lausanne (BSNL)
BSNL is an association of PhD students and Postdocs working in various fields of Life Sciences at EPFL and UNIL. At BSNL we strive to promote career development of young researchers in Life Sciences. We organize events to explore career opportunities, acquire new skills, and develop a professional network. Ultimately, we aspire to bridge the gap between academia, industry, and society.

Association for Postdocs in Natural Sciences at University of Lausanne (APNS)
Open to all postdocs at UNIL with an interest in natural sciences, and hope to unite postdocs from multiple faculties (FBM, FGSE, etc.). They collaborate actively with other organizations at UNIL (ACIDUL, ADAS, Skills For Scientists, Graduate Campus, ACIGE) and within the Lausanne science community (EPDA @EPFL, BSNL).

AVETH at ETH Zurich
The elected board of AVETH organizes the political representation of the scientific staff at ETH, brings people together by holding a variety of events and offers counseling and other services for AVETH’s members.

Postdoctoral Association for Career Development and Continuing Education (PACE) at the Institute of Biochemistry (IBC) in ETH Zurich
This association is run by and for the postdocs in order to develop a community, broaden scientific horizons and assist in career development.

Association of Junior Academics at the University of Zurich (VAUZ)
VAUZ is the community/body of doctoral students, postdocs and scientific staff at the UZH. VAUZ represents the interests of our members concerning university and educational policy – not only within the UZH but also vis-à-vis the authorities and the general public. Furthermore, we offer advice and support to our members of staff, and organize events so you can exchange ideas with other junior academics.

PhD & Postdoc Association (PPA) of Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)
The main intention of this association is to provide a platform for PhD students and postdocs for social and scientific networking across all departments. We can also provide support to new PhD students and postdocs, with questions related to PSI/PhD enrollment/settling down. We regularly organize events most of which will be held at PSI, however, events outside PSI such as skiing or industrial visit is also possible depending on the organizers.

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