Event Details
7–8 November 2022

Seminar on Intellectual Property

Seminarhotel Schloss Gernzensee, Switzerland
SCS Seminar on Intellectual Property (IP) 2022 – Hands-on Workshop for Scientist in Life Sciences

The SCS Seminar on IP 2022 with focus on  researchers, technology transfer managers, and others which are required to deal with life science related intellectual property, in particular patents, and enhance their capabilities to assess and manage patent related novelty, inventive step and freedom-to-operate risks. Some basic knowledge about IP will be beneficial for this hands-on workshosp. The two days will also provide a platform to exchange practical experience on IP management and form a network that can be actively used also after the seminar.

Registration here:

15.08.22: registration deadline early bird
30.10.22: registration deadline, later registration on request


Organizing Committee:

Prof. Heinz Müller (Dixit Translations LLC) & Dr. Michael Kock (Dr. Kock Consulting)


Conference Secretariat:

Swiss Chemical Society, info@scg.ch

IP-Seminar 2022